Saturday, November 28, 2009


This preparation will carry on until i start filming the actual film.
i feel that it is important to get all of these things together as it will make the process of the filming a lot easier to handle.
Props List:
Moving boxes
A suitable house - suburban area
A near by street
Music/sound affects
slow/mellow music to fit the mood of the film
background sounds of parents arguing
James Alculumbre

Editing -
in terms of pace i want the tempo of the editing to be slow 'contemplative ' this will reflect the mood of the main character.
i looked at the film Elephant - Gus Van Sant and the pace of this movie is very slow and introduces as to characters by holding a steady cam and just following the character without any dialogue. I will use continuity editing (invisible editing)

Mis - en - Scene + Character analysis
Daniel a geeking looking kid
hasn't got any friend
clothes - Geeky stereotype

House - Middle class home
Location options:
we wanted the house he lives in to be in a suburban area to suit his lifestyle. We were aiming to juxtapose his family issues and school problems with the fact he has a nice middle class house. As you would normally stereotype someone who is alienated and isolated to have come from a working class background.
These are a couple of options:
after taking these photos and analysing what house would suit the best we picked one out of the top two as there was a possibility that we could use the balcony.
we then came to the conclusion that the one on the top left was a more modern house than the one on the top right so we thought this would be the better option. alienated/isolated

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