Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mean girls - Title sequence

The start of this sequence begins with the convention of the opening titles with institutional information. Candy colours are used on the fonts and one can immediately tell it is aimed at a younger audience. The titles are split in half with respect to the font on the left a thicker more masculine font and on the right a finer more feminine font.

The first scene fades in and it captures the moment a family is moving into a new home and we are introduced to the protagonist who is freeze framed in MCU. The combination of Mid, long and close up shots in these pictures shows the immediate and close relationship the audience should get with the characters in the film. We see the family outside their new house having a family photo. There is many different shot sizes. In the next 5 seconds the music becomes more upbeat as if a drum is being hit. Then the rest of the two minutes of the film we have some dialogue so we can get to know the characters. This is the parents talking to there daughter in a patronizing way. The fact that it is a low angle shot shows that the parents are making the daughter feel small and that they are superior. Then we have the main part (lindsay Lohan) narrating telling her past so that the film has a clear story line from the beginning. The font for Lindsay Lohan's name is 'Lindsay' in a bold green colour and 'Lohan' in a thin lining font also green but a darker shade. The font for 'Mean girls' is white for 'mean' maybe to show there is some innocence in the film  and then pink for 'girls' which shows the stereotypical colour connected to females. We get a photo montage to see her family's past. Then we get a scene of her starting her new school and her parents saying bye to her. 
The genres of this film are comedy and drama. the film is aimed at teenagers as it gives the point of view of a new school girl. 

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