Monday, February 8, 2010

the filming of the 'man with no face'

I shot the film by myself to begin with, it was a stressful project to accomplish by myself as i had to be my own cameraman/producer/director/script writer. Georgina then joined me to accomplish the film i introduced her to the story line and we then shared the jobs between us to get it all done. It didnt turn out how we wanted it to so we reshot what we were not happy with and after this we combined all the good filming together. After we shot our film we started to edit it on final cut pro we were not happy with it so we transferred it to a different editing programme called Imovie. This didn't have all the technologies and wasn't as advanced as Final Cut Pro so we transferred back to that. we then used all different softwares to create our final piece.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


This is our Animatic we uploaded our story board to image ready, then made them all the same size put them in order and then uploaded it to photo bucket which then produced this: Katie Leuw,didi finlay AS media Fine arts

Saturday, November 28, 2009


This preparation will carry on until i start filming the actual film.
i feel that it is important to get all of these things together as it will make the process of the filming a lot easier to handle.
Props List:
Moving boxes
A suitable house - suburban area
A near by street
Music/sound affects
slow/mellow music to fit the mood of the film
background sounds of parents arguing
James Alculumbre

Editing -
in terms of pace i want the tempo of the editing to be slow 'contemplative ' this will reflect the mood of the main character.
i looked at the film Elephant - Gus Van Sant and the pace of this movie is very slow and introduces as to characters by holding a steady cam and just following the character without any dialogue. I will use continuity editing (invisible editing)

Mis - en - Scene + Character analysis
Daniel a geeking looking kid
hasn't got any friend
clothes - Geeky stereotype

House - Middle class home
Location options:
we wanted the house he lives in to be in a suburban area to suit his lifestyle. We were aiming to juxtapose his family issues and school problems with the fact he has a nice middle class house. As you would normally stereotype someone who is alienated and isolated to have come from a working class background.
These are a couple of options:
after taking these photos and analysing what house would suit the best we picked one out of the top two as there was a possibility that we could use the balcony.
we then came to the conclusion that the one on the top left was a more modern house than the one on the top right so we thought this would be the better option. alienated/isolated


Researching Voice overs:
This is the voice over from “About a boy”, a movie staring Nicholas Hoult who plays the role of Marcus- a similar character we are aiming for.
This is the script of the voice over of Marcus:
Story board:

Credit story Board:
Shot list:

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Film Production

Key Roles
- Director
- Producer
- Writer
- Editor
- Cinematographer
- Sound recording

- Is the camera charged?
- Do you have the charger cable?
- Do you have enough tape?
- Is the tripod working?

- Who is responsible for props?

- Storyboard/shot list
- Directs actors
- Ensures you get what you planned

- Overseas
- Ensures project is delivered on time
- Schedules + plans the shoot and post production